Human Resource Specialists assist soldiers with career development. They maintain all officer and enlisted personnel records. It is their job to know how many soldiers are deployed and if there are an adequate amount of soldiers.ĭocumentation processing is a large portion of this job. Soldiers in this MOS oversee all strength management and strength distribution actions. This position will help with not just assisting personnel actions that involve soldiers, but their families as well. Specialists will advise commanders, staff, and unit soldiers on all human resource issues. Soldiers may work in Human Resource centers alongside civilians or be in a deployed unit. This job ranges from making sure soldiers have opportunities to vote to processing human resource documentation. Human Resource Specialists are available to ensure soldiers are being taken care of. Related Article – List of all 159 Army MOSs What does a Human Resource Specialist do? Army Human Resources Specialist working with postal labels during an exercise.

Those serving in the Army as an MOS 42A can expect to be potentially based at one of the following duty stations: Inside the Continental US (CONUS) Related Article – 12 Best Military Jobs by Branch Duty Stations English and Business administration aptitude.Ability to follow detailed orders/instruction.The advanced training may include postal operations or Assault or airborne school. There may be opportunities for advanced training depending on the type of unit that the individual is assigned to. This training is a combination of hands-on and classroom instruction. When BCT is complete, recruits will head to Advanced Individual Training for 9 weeks. Once all entry testing is complete, recruits will attend 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training (BCT). You must also be able to meet Secret security clearance as the information in this MOS can be private and sensitive. To enter into this MOS, recruits must receive a minimum score of 100 on the General Technical (GT) and 90 on the Clerical (CL) portions of the ASVAB test. Qualifications, Training, and Duty Stations Human Resource Specialists ensure the readiness, health, and welfare of all soldiers. Their role is to provide human resources support to all military members, regardless of rank or classification. 36B really does not prepare you to work in corporate banking whatsoever (local branch? Yes) but maybe you’ll meet some people that can pull strings.Army Human Resource Specialists (MOS 42A) are responsible for performing personnel and administrative functions.

A lot of people got put up in jobs based on references. In my personal experience at a Finance Det, there’s quite a few people that work in the corporate banking world. Finance personnel receive, review, and actually action the changes in the system. Finance office will typically receive pay inquiries from a BN S1 rep. It’s less contracting (because that’s it own thing - see 51C) and more about paying vendors. The bread and butter for 36B in a deployed setting was Disbursing (cash disbursement and cash collection) They still do it but the availability of cashless commerce makes their job mostly obsolete save for statement of charges, SDP deposits, and foreign currency exchange.